
knockoff handbags 2013 find Free website directories and post your website in a relevant category

DIY Search Engine Optimisation

Getting your website into good positions on the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing should be at the forefront of knockoff handbags your mind when you start your adventure with your new website! You will no doubt receive phone calls from marques promos 2013 cependant all sorts of companies and organisations telling you this the moment your website goes live, they will try and get your attention by their promise of getting your website on the first page of Google within a few days, this route will cost you a fortune and 9 times out of 10 leave you disappointed at the results. You should consider using a professional company with proven results such as PixelSoft a company based in the North East of England who have an 85% success rate of getting their clients on the front page of major search engines if you have a large website that has a lot of competitors, however if you have a Small Business or Personal Website you may find using the following steps and examples will get you where you need to be!

First Step – Letting the Search Engines know you exist!

Search Engines will find your site eventually but this could take years depending on the content within your site. Letting the search engines know you exist is the first and most important step, we do this by registering with the 3 main search engines, Google, Yahoo and Bing.
Here you can register your site, they will give you a small file to download and upload replica louis vuitton purses handbags to your websites online directory, you can do this by using a FTP application.

Second Step – Content Is King!

The content on your site is the deciding factor when it comes to Search Engines indexing your website, so make sure the content on your website contains the keywords you want users to find you on. Make sure also that your site is up to date and contains reverent information.

Third Step – Advertise your Web Site!

Do as much as possible to advertise your website online and offline, include your web address on your business cards, shopping bags, flyers etc, sign up for facebook and twitter and tell people about your website, find Free website directories and post your website in a relevant category!

